WEBINAR – The Change Competency (December 2020)

9 grudnia 2020 | Aktualności i wydarzenia

Dear Alumni Change Management Certification Program of PROSCI with Silfra Consulting (BPI Group)

If you want to explore from Change Management Practictioner perspective following issue:
▫️What makes change management great, what limits its effectiveness?
▫️Sponsorship in change in various cultures of European countries?
▫️How to build an effective relationship with Sponsor?

Join the webinar: Change Competency- Engaging the Sponsor
„Between a piece of cake and mission impossible – chasing for an effective Sponsor in change”
on 15th December at 3:00 PM (GMT+1/ CET)

Facilitated by: Krzysztof Ogonowski (PL) of Silfra Consulting and Peter Dolenc (SI) of PDI Vision

REGISTER for this webinar and get connected.
You will receive a confirmation email with successful registration.

Our webinars are highly interactive, inspirational and engaging. Please be invited to share your experience, best practices and newest insights amongst Prosci certified Practitioners.

You are also invited to our Linkedin Website

SPOTKANIE W GDAŃSKU: Jak skutecznie komunikować zmiany w organizacji?


SPOTKANIE W POZNANIU: Skąd wiadomo, że zmiana jest skuteczna? ADKAR prawdę powie!
